Pooya Karimian

Blog Archive October 2008

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Download an album with Picasa broken?

[Google Picasa]
For some unknown reason, Google's Picasa sometimes looses its external application registration with Firefox. This means that you don't see the "download this album" link when viewing an online album although you already have Picasa installed. I'm not sure if this is a Picasa 2.0 - Firefox 3.0 issue but I think I had the same problem with Firefox 2.0 too.

Searching for this, looks like many people have the same issue with hardly any solution at hand. For this reason I made an easy hack for myself which I thought worth publishing here as well. It is a bookmarklet.

Bookmark the follow link by dragging and dropping it to your bookmark toolbar or right clicking it:
Download with Picasa

Then, browse to the main page of the album you want to download and press this bookmark. You will be prompted to open a file with Picasa which if you accept will download the whole album for you.

If you have the same issue, let me know how this works out for you.

Posted to Programming by pooya at 11:12 AM | Comments (4)
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