Pooya Karimian
March 05, 2009
Link to a specific part of a YouTube video
December 18, 2008
New kid on the search engine block
A blog post about Worio
November 07, 2008
Once Thought Safe, WPA Wi-Fi Encryption Is Cracked
on PC World
October 29, 2008
Enceladus -- Saturn's moon up close
Another fantastic photo story from Boston.com's Big Picture
October 27, 2008
The Top Ten Things Environmentalists Need to Learn
I don't 100% agree with all the points but good to read.
October 23, 2008
MobaXVT - free portable X server with Unix utilities for Windows
A nice portable application made from cygwin and cygwin/X. Very easy to use, something I always needed when people asked me about remote graphics connection to Linux.
October 16, 2008
Combating Poverty With Blog Action Day '08: Kiva
About Kiva, a non profit that gives microloans to entrepreneurs in developing countries, hoping to fight the poverty the right way. On Techvibes blog.
October 15, 2008
audio/video problems in Firefox 3? get flash player 10
Youtube stops couple of seconds into playing, Asa Dotzler says upgrade your flash player.
October 09, 2008
The Tragedy of Linked Lists
geek drama...
Programmer Competency Matrix
looks fair to me
October 06, 2008
Techvibes: Canada's National Do-Not-Call List Is Live
and here is National Do-Not-Call List (DNCL)
The awesome javascript library: jQuery is being adopted by Microsoft and Nokia
In a John Resig post titled "jQuery.embrace().extend();"
October 04, 2008
A Year in the Arctic with Olympus
Amazing shots with Olympus E-300 and different Zuiko lenses.
October 03, 2008
Replacing Fiber With 10 Gigabit/Second Wireless
On Slashdot
October 01, 2008
October issue of Life Goes On In Tehran
He moved back to Tehran from LA