Pooya Karimian
October 23, 2008
MobaXVT - free portable X server with Unix utilities for Windows
A nice portable application made from cygwin and cygwin/X. Very easy to use, something I always needed when people asked me about remote graphics connection to Linux.
November 25, 2007
How I recovered my hard drive by double-boiling it
well, when freezing it didn't work.
October 26, 2007
Lightning and Sunbird 0.7 are out
Mozilla calender solutions
June 23, 2007
Wooden binary marble adding machine
Watch the video. It is so cool.
June 17, 2007
How to make CTRL+TAB work again in Adobe (Acrobat) Reader 8.1
Move to Next Open Document on Adobe Forums
April 04, 2007
filehippo.com: Update Checker for all Windows softwares
"The Update Checker will scan your computer for installed software, check the versions and then send this information to filehippo.com to see if there are any newer releases".
December 12, 2006
Joe Public meets Open source.
From "Dave Jones' recollection of stuff that happened".
March 15, 2006
Mozilla Lightning 0.1 Released
"Lightning 0.1 is an embedding of the Mozilla calendar code specifically designed to run inside Mozilla Thunderbird".
December 16, 2005
Google Video: Steve Jobs introducing Macintosh in 1984
That's cool. From Mohsen Basirat.
November 08, 2005
Wired News: History's Worst Software Bugs
'Coding errors have sparked explosions, crippled interplanetary probes -- even killed people. Here's our pick for the 10 worst bugs ever, but the judging wasn't easy.'
October 19, 2005
VMWare Player
Easily use a VMWare based software to create virtual machines to demo. There are sample IBM, Oracle, etc. VMs to download.
May 16, 2005
Napster, Real and Yahoo! vs. Apple... Winner: Microsoft
February 19, 2005
QEMU : A generic fast open source processor emulator