Pooya Karimian
February 2007
February 22, 2007
James Ward’s Blog: How I Overcame My Fear of Flash
I don't think writing applications with a hyper text language like HTML is a wise thing to do. My hope was on something like XUL. But that does not look like catching at all.
February 19, 2007
Danga: Open-source tools powering Livejournal
That includes distributed caching, distributed file-system and Low-latency remote function execution.
February 17, 2007
xkcd - A webcomic of LISP
Thanks to Ehsan for sending this. Shows exactly how I feel these days.
February 15, 2007
Digg - Simon Fraser University spends $250k on an MS Paint Logo
February 12, 2007
Photo of Martian sunset taken by Spirit mars rover
Found on Wikipedia page on Spirit rover
Tracks On Mars: Opportunity reached 10km milestone
On "All These Worlds" blog
February 09, 2007
The 1st green dream: “Green Light”
A plant growing around a lamp. Via Make: Blog.