Pooya Karimian
December 18, 2008
New kid on the search engine block
A blog post about Worio
October 06, 2008
The awesome javascript library: jQuery is being adopted by Microsoft and Nokia
In a John Resig post titled "jQuery.embrace().extend();"
September 16, 2007
Vote for us! Sxipper as the best of BC @ PopVox Awards
Vote for us! Sxipper as the best web 2.0 app @ PopVox Awards
June 16, 2007
Unicode for CSS Class Names
April 25, 2007
Adobe Open Sources Flex
Scobleizer's Exclusive Videos with Adobe
April 08, 2007
10 Pipes for Your Tubes
Shows how cool Yahoo! Pipes is and what it can be used for.
March 28, 2007
Yahoo Mail Announces Unlimited Storage
March 10, 2007
Open Street Map: WikiProject Iran
Roozbeh and others started mapping Tehran for OpenStreetMap.
February 22, 2007
James Ward’s Blog: How I Overcame My Fear of Flash
I don't think writing applications with a hyper text language like HTML is a wise thing to do. My hope was on something like XUL. But that does not look like catching at all.
January 26, 2007
GoDaddy pulls security site after MySpace complaints | CNET News.com
It's time that I move my domain away from GoDaddy.
September 30, 2006
Download YouTube & Google Videos via Bookmarklets/Greasemonkey
May 09, 2006
AlltheWeb Livesearch Beta
Created by Yahoo! Search. Neat.
March 30, 2006
mezzoblue: Patents v. Microsoft
Microsoft is changing ActiveX behaviors. I was wonder if that will affect the way flash objects work.
February 20, 2006
Prototype Dissected
A cheatsheet for prototype, listing all methods.
January 09, 2006
Slashdot is Going out of Style in 2006 (by Jeremy Zawodny)
Jeremy believes that the strategy of using users as editors in sites like digg.com will win against the dictatorship in Slashdot.
November 04, 2005
Amazon Mechanical Turk: Artificial Artifical Intelligence
As mentioned in John Battelle's Searchblog it totally looks like hoax, but seems like it is not! It is something like RPC with human as server.
November 02, 2005
Microsoft’s Live: Monopoly 4.0
as Russell Beattie said.
October 02, 2005
Open Content Alliance (OCA)
From John Battelle's Searchblog: "The Internet Archive, Yahoo! Inc., Adobe Systems Inc., the European Archive, HP Labs, the National Archives (UK), O’Reilly Media Inc., Prelinger Archives, the University of California, and the University of Toronto, today announced the formation of the Open Content Alliance (OCA), a global consortium focused on providing open access to content while respecting the rights of copyright holders. The OCA will provide a wide range of material including cultural, historical and technological digitized print and multimedia content from libraries, archives and publishers. Content will be hosted in a single, permanent repository and complete works will be searchable and downloadable for free by anyone."
August 08, 2005
Yahoo! Search blog: 19million pages in Yahoo Search
That's more than what Google is written on it first page: 8billion. Check out the Search Engine Watch article titled "Search Engine Results Continuing to Diverge" too.
July 11, 2005
SiliconBeat: Behold, the new Yahoo Mail
July 08, 2005
Netcraft: ICANN: VeriSign Can Raise .net Prices in 2007
July 07, 2005
Shift Delete: 1and1 review
But use my 1and1 link. Although Ehsan's review is more about good things but recently I had some problems with 1and1. They mis-calculated my traffic and they're answering my support requests with some vague emails. They did the same thing to others too. Also see my previous report on 1and1's down time in my blog. But in general the price compared to offered features is so low that you hardly can find a better substition. Check their Linux Hosting plans and prices
June 15, 2005
Dunc Nuggets: The Slashdot Effect on userinterfacehallofshame.com
from problogger
June 09, 2005
hCalendar: representation of iCalendar in XHTML
from Jeremy Zawodny
May 06, 2005
Craigslist.org Founder Eyes Journalism - Yahoo! News
How much does anchor text matter? (by Jeremy Zawodny)
March 02, 2005
Yahoo! 10th Anniversary Ice Cream Giveaway
February 14, 2005
Netcraft: Go Daddy's Blog Strategy Maximized Super Bowl Ad Boost