Pooya Karimian
October 09, 2008
The Tragedy of Linked Lists
geek drama...
March 16, 2008
Your Moment Of Zen, Brought To You By Word
"The Unknown" on The Daily WTF. Via Digg.
September 08, 2007
Sigg Jones: French short animation
August 11, 2007
YouTube: Gates vs. Jobs featuring Commodore 64
This is great! The classic Mac vs PC. And like the elder master C64 says, PCs are for nerds.
July 01, 2007
The award winning Ghormehsabzi Pizza
Featured in one of the Kiosk tracks
May 19, 2007
The Arbutus Twins
Streets in Vancouver
April 25, 2007
The Simpsons on Google
April 07, 2007
"Peace" by Hassan Karimzadeh
Hassan Karimzadeh honored with the Friend of the United Nations (F.U.N) symbol for his peaceful activities. Via Nikahang Kowsar
March 18, 2007
17 year old built his own fusion reactor
No, not in Iran. He is in Michigan.
February 17, 2007
xkcd - A webcomic of LISP
Thanks to Ehsan for sending this. Shows exactly how I feel these days.
September 24, 2006
Weird Al Yankovic and JavaScript: White and Nerdy!
August 15, 2006
Where the Hell is Matt?
A funny guy dancing all over the world. Link from Alborz
July 14, 2006
YouTube: Jon Stewart on Net Neutrality
Via John Battelle
June 15, 2006
Ask Google: how much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
As much wood as a woodchuck would if a woodchuck could chuck wood.
May 01, 2006
kasia in a nutshell: When geeks have nightmares
lol, yeah, that's so true.
April 17, 2006
Loonicode: The story of two Unicode characters
April 09, 2006
dialog05: Universal Connections or USB Everywhere
even in a Bra
January 02, 2006
Hilarious Blonde Joke | Darren Barefoot
December 10, 2005
Pencil Carving
Amazing techniques to carve pencils and create some fascinating subjects.
November 23, 2005
POPSCI: Quest to Create Disappearing Colored Bubbles
October 21, 2005
Build an aquarium out of an old Mac. There used to be one of these old macs somewhere around the school. I should make an aquarium out of it.
October 18, 2005
The RetroScope
Nat Friedman's cool idea to watch your life with a delay using a Camera and a TiVo.
October 12, 2005
Damn cool illusion
It's like the Motion Induced Blindess I posted a while ago. Link from mohammad (smtp2.blogspot.com).
October 08, 2005
Pixelfest: group artwork
Here's the game: can a group of random people, each contributing a teensy weensy bit, make a coherent piece of art/design/garbage purely through the influence of the work itself?
August 11, 2005
Spy Another Day: a movie about a USB powered Linux gadget
It is a portable Linux server that can be plugged into the USB port of a PC. It includes a fingerprint reader, a 400MHz PowerPC, 64MB of DRAM and 256MB or 512MB of flash and it runs Debian. The host PC sees it as a CD-ROM drive.
June 11, 2005
Mobile phone grows into a plant
May 08, 2005
Angelina Jolie in Pakistan
April 12, 2005
Hitachi Storage Technology: Get Perpendicular Song
April 01, 2005
Slashdot | Say 'Cheese' to Google Satellite at 10AM
Slashdot | First PC Virus Spreads to Humans
iranian.com: Persian Gulf is now Liberty Gulf, George W. Bush
E:M | Many things have changed in Tehran. (in Persian)
Hoder @ April 1st
Yahoo! Search blog: Announcing Yahoo! Slacker
Google Gulp
Top 100 April Fool's Day Hoaxes Of All Time
February 20, 2005
Ravanbakhsh Sadeghi - Kereshmeh
Hackers tell man he's "too fat" to eat at Burger King
February 18, 2005
ITiran on a great iranian engineer! (in Persian)
December 04, 2004
The Guardian | Turn yourself into a diamond: tips from science on a good life, and death
October 21, 2004
MSNBC - God, Googled, Exists
from evhead.com
July 21, 2004
Google in 1960
from Daily Juan: Links