Pooya Karimian


SmugBlog's Don MacAskill: I demand video to be awesome.
[Link] http://blogs.smugmug.com/don/2008/04/25/i-demand-video-to-be...
smugsmug's now playing videos in HD using flash's H.264 codec. I know youtube has it too but I don't think it is by default. I have to figure it out for my own youtube tv.

Posted to Entertain by pooya at 02:04 PM | Comments (0)

The Imhotep Project
[Link] http://imhotepproject.com/index.php?content_id=tech
ghosts on the stage: new media in theater.

Posted to Entertain by pooya at 07:46 PM | Comments (0)

YouTube: Zero Degree Turn
[Link] http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=qQnlAerDSj0
Iranian drama show on state TV. Here is the story in the Wall Street Journal.

Posted to Entertain by pooya at 09:39 PM | Comments (0)

mezzoblue: Motion Type
[Link] http://mezzoblue.com/archives/2007/08/13/motion_type/
A collection typography in videos

Posted to Entertain by pooya at 04:22 PM | Comments (1)

1st generation Graffiti in Iran
[Link] http://www.pingmag.jp/2007/01/19/a1one-1st-generation-graffi...
PingMag, the Tokyo-based magazine about "Design and Making Things"

Posted to Entertain by pooya at 08:30 AM | Comments (0)

Eonline: The Art of a Movie Protest
[Link] http://www.eonline.com/print/index.jsp?uuid=18730f4a-5275-41...
"Some movies draw protests. 300 is also drawing drawings." Visit 300 project.

Posted to Entertain by pooya at 09:54 PM | Comments (0)

300 the movie
[Link] http://300themovie.info/
Is that the truth?

Posted to Entertain by pooya at 10:24 PM | Comments (3)

EcoGeek: Wooden Computing
[Link] http://www.ecogeek.org/content/view/62/1/
Wooden computer cases, monitors, keyboard, mice, etc.

Posted to Entertain by pooya at 01:26 AM | Comments (0)

107 iterations ago: Boxed Fractals
[Link] http://gallery.theli.net/displayimage.php?album=10&pos=21
Super cool. 3D computer generated fractal objects. I was wondering if it is possible to make one this things in real. Check out the wooden ones.

Posted to Entertain by pooya at 09:32 AM | Comments (0)
[Friday 2024-07-26] [Updated Saturday 2013-11-30]