Pooya Karimian

Blog Archive July 2007

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Robocup 2007

[RoboCup 2007 Atlanta]
Robocup 2007 started in Georgia Tech on July 1st. Roozbeh knows more about that, cause he is there. But I'll try to update this post with the links I find:

- The RoboCup Federation
- RoboCup 2007 Atlanta
- FlickrRobocup Flickr photo pool
- YoutubeYouTube videos of Robocup
- slashdotStory on Slashdot
- WMV video of highlights of Robocup 2005 Osaka
- Robocup Nanogram competition and a video of that.
- Time lapse video for the venue setup
- Video of a quarter final game in the humanoid league.

Posted to Research by pooya at 05:58 PM | Comments (0)
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