Pooya Karimian
November 2005
November 26, 2005
Slashdot | Canada Moves to Keep Skilled Workers
"The Canadian government is announcing a C$700 million initiative to help skilled workers stay in Canada and become citizens". Although it seems like these are just some pre-election promises from a falling government.
November 23, 2005
POPSCI: Quest to Create Disappearing Colored Bubbles
November 17, 2005
Firefox RC3 Community Testing Day
Mozilla Quality Blog. Firefox 1.5 is getting ready for a worldwide release this week.
November 09, 2005
A Swarm of Chatterboxes
SFU Faculty of Applied Science News on Autonomy Lab: "The critters are 12cm cubes with the brainpower of a Pentium 3 computer. They can see with infra-red “eyes” and they communicate with flashing lights and sound—hence the name Chatterbox."
November 08, 2005
Wired News: History's Worst Software Bugs
'Coding errors have sparked explosions, crippled interplanetary probes -- even killed people. Here's our pick for the 10 worst bugs ever, but the judging wasn't easy.'
November 04, 2005
Amazon Mechanical Turk: Artificial Artifical Intelligence
As mentioned in John Battelle's Searchblog it totally looks like hoax, but seems like it is not! It is something like RPC with human as server.
November 03, 2005
extendfirefox.com: Extend Firefox Contest
Firefox best extensions contest. prizes include: Alienware Aurora 7500 Firefox Edition PC, Apple iPod Nano, O'Reilly books, Firefox laptop bag, etc.
November 02, 2005
South Leicester Aeronutz: miniature scale aircrafts
South Leicester Aeronutz has lots of useful information to help you design and build your own miniature scale aircraft for indoor flying. They used brushless motors, small Li Poly battery cells, etc. Unbeliveably cool.
Microsoft’s Live: Monopoly 4.0
as Russell Beattie said.