Pooya Karimian
December 2005
December 24, 2005
Iran Expecting Birth of Cloned Sheep
"In less than two months, Iran is hoping to celebrate the birth of a cloned sheep, the first such cloning attempt in the Middle East and part of Iran's ambitions — along with its nuclear and space programs — to become a regional high-tech powerhouse."
December 16, 2005
Google Video: Steve Jobs introducing Macintosh in 1984
That's cool. From Mohsen Basirat.
December 10, 2005
Pencil Carving
Amazing techniques to carve pencils and create some fascinating subjects.
December 08, 2005
CNET News.com Images: Colors of the cryosphere
At the 2005 American Geophysical Union in San Francisco, scientists took a tour of the Earth's frozen assets, or cryosphere, using NASA satellite images.
December 02, 2005
Firefox and more: awesome firefox video
asking normal people on the street whether they prefer Firefox or Internet Explorer
IE flaw lets intruders into Google Desktop | CNET News.com
A security researcher in Israel has found a way to steal information from unwitting users of Google's desktop search tool by exploiting an unpatched flaw in Microsoft's ubiquitous Internet Explorer.