Pooya Karimian


WordPress Distribution Compromised and Bugged
[Link] http://news.netcraft.com/archives/2007/03/03/wordpress_distr...
The distribution server was hacked into and a exploitable code is injected into the code. Users are urged to upgrade to version 2.1.2.

Posted to Computer»Security by pooya at 12:59 PM | Comments (0)

Bank ATMs converted to steal bank customer IDs
[Link] http://www.utexas.edu/police/alerts/atm_scam/
Police Department of university of Texas at Austin advisory on ATM Scam

Posted to Computer»Security by pooya at 02:43 PM | Comments (2)

Hackers claim zero-day flaw in Firefox | CNET News.com
[Link] http://news.com.com/Hackers claim zero-day flaw in Firefox/2...
They say that they know more than 30 unpatched flaws in Firefox.

Posted to Computer»Security by pooya at 12:05 AM | Comments (1)

IE flaw lets intruders into Google Desktop | CNET News.com
[Link] http://news.com.com/IE flaw lets intruders into Google Deskt...
A security researcher in Israel has found a way to steal information from unwitting users of Google's desktop search tool by exploiting an unpatched flaw in Microsoft's ubiquitous Internet Explorer.

Posted to Computer»Security by pooya at 05:54 PM | Comments (0)

MAKE Blog: Video of Cisco/ISS ripping out pages from printed conference books
[Link] http://www.makezine.com/blog/archive/2005/08/video_of_ciscoi...
a video of Cisco / ISS / Conference organizers ripping out the pages of Michael Lynn's presentation on Cisco's critical vulnerabilities ("The Holy Grail: Cisco IOS Shellcode And Exploitation Techniques"), delivered at last week's Black Hat conference

Posted to Computer»Security by pooya at 09:14 AM | Comments (0)

Netcraft: Surge in Scans Seeking SSL Servers
[Link] http://news.netcraft.com/archives/2004/07/22/surge_in_scans_...
Security firms are advising network administrators to install security patches for SSL servers

Posted to Computer»Security by pooya at 11:14 AM | Comments (0)
[Saturday 2024-07-27] [Updated Saturday 2013-11-30]