Pooya Karimian

Blog Archive May 2005

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XHTML Compatible

Valid XHTML 1.0!I spent some time yesterday making pooyak.com XHTML 1.0 Transitional valid. As you may know the underlying engine for this site is a Perl script I started writing 3 or 4 years ago. It generates pages based on templates and each page's definition in a semiXML file. That's the same script that is used on http://ce.sharif.edu, my old page there and some other. Also For making my weblog posts valid I used tidytext MT plugin, which itself uses HTML Tidy to clean up HTMLs.
I am a TA of Web info systems course this semester. That's why I thought when we are forcing students to use standards, it's better for me to make my own pages valid too. Still the markup is really untidy and it's a mix up of DIV and Tables but this change will hopefully make it easier to fix it step by step. Please let me know if this change made any problem in viewing my site for you.

- My simple page on SFU which is XHTML Strict valid
- http://ie.sharif.edu is also based on my script

Posted to Blogging by pooya at 02:35 PM | Comments (1)

Geek Floss

[Dental Floss]
As one of the geeks suggested sometime ago (I don't remember who he was), I put the dental floss near computer instead of washroom. Try it, it is not as good as snacks near computer, but it works!

Posted to Life by pooya at 12:42 AM | Comments (3)


[Aurora, Langley, BC]I didn't know that it is possible to see auroras here in Vancouver. I was reading yesterday's Slashdot story on Space Weather warning on solar flares hit the earth on last Friday. There in the galleries I saw a couple of photos from Canada and when I googled it I found Astronomical Society of Canada /
Vancouver Centre
and aurora photos taken from Langley, BC which is near here. I should search more to see if it is possible to see auroras with unaided eyes or not.

- spaceweather.com
- spaceweather's May 2005 Aurora Gallery
- Vancouver RASCal's picture gallery

Update: OK! Here it is,
- Photos of aurora from Burnaby moutain park
- Me in Burnaby mountain park, a 5 minute walk from here!

Posted to Photos by pooya at 09:04 PM | Comments (0)

Morse code vs. SMS

Morse Code / MessagEaseA story on engadget about how Morse code beat SMS messaging in typing speed reminded me of how hard was that to type messages with a cell phone (btw, I don't have a cellphone here). I was always wondering how irritating it is to wait between key presses typing with 9 keys. But have you seen MessagEase? that's really a smart solution.

Posted to Other by pooya at 11:28 PM | Comments (0)
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