Pooya Karimian
January 07, 2008
what Mozilla's Asa Dotzler is listening to lately
It used to be British bands that were the best but now it is Canadian artists. Go Canada!
December 27, 2007
Radiohead readies New Year's Eve webcast
Commercial free concert on current tv. Story via Cnet news.com.
September 08, 2007
KIOSK: Ey Dad Az Eshgh
Again by Ahmad Kiarostami. Don't miss their Vancouver concert.
June 15, 2007
Watch Iran's emerging new music talent
Mohsen Namjoo's "زلف بر باد" on MetaFilter.
April 12, 2007
Pearls Before Breakfast - washingtonpost.com
July 24, 2006
Music Videos of Meera: Persian Rock Band
They recently published a remaster version of their album with Bamahang Productions
July 07, 2006
Boing Boing: RadioDarvish.com: streaming traditional music from Iran
Link via Ehsan
July 06, 2006
NPR : 'Sounds of Silence': Rocking Out in Iran
A documentray about Iran underground music.
February 04, 2006
Six Degrees Records: Niyaz
Niyaz album is not new. But I just listened to some of their music and found it quite nice. It's a persian/indian mix, which they call "world music for the 21st century".
October 24, 2005
Kiosk: Roozmaregi (Dailiness) Music Video Clip
from Bamahang Blog
July 25, 2005
bamahang.ca: Kiosk - Ordinary Man
underground Iranian alternative band and their released album in US and Canada
July 04, 2005
AOL Music: LIVE 8 Concert Highlights on Demand
July 03, 2005
Critics Laud LIVE 8 Internet Coverage
March 30, 2005
O-HUM New Single: Saghi
O-HUM Official Site