Pooya Karimian
September 30, 2007
Iran votes no to OOXML in ISO/JTC1 — UNDP-APDIP International Open Source Network
Thanks to people like Roozbeh. Canada also voted no (disapproved with comments) after a public review period.
March 02, 2007
Linux Genuine Advantage™
2-Cent Tips LG #136: Checking for new USA timezone
February 19, 2007
Danga: Open-source tools powering Livejournal
That includes distributed caching, distributed file-system and Low-latency remote function execution.
November 25, 2006
Adobe Flash Player 9 Beta for Linux
October 12, 2005
Linux Wins the Grand Challenge
A LinuxDevices article notes that most of the teams that qualified in the Grand Challenge were running Linux-based systems. From robots.net
June 13, 2005
Slashdot | Fedora Core 4 Available
December 21, 2004
Torvalds: A Solaris skeptic | CNET News.com
July 25, 2004
The Fedora Legacy Project
"The goal of The Fedora Legacy Project is to work with the Linux community to provide security and critical bug fix errata packages for select End of Life Red Hat Linux and Fedora Core distributions", use it to update your old Redhat 7.3/9 distros.