Pooya Karimian

pkLaunch: Greasemonkey Script for Yahoo Launch


[ News | About | Installation | Changes | Archive | Discussion ]

(June 21, 2007): Older pkLaunch versions can now be found in the archive.
(May 25, 2007): pkLaunch is NOT working for music videos anymore. pkLaunch 0.0.0 is out. Read the changes.
(Aug 19, 2006): pkLaunch 0.9 is out!
(Jan 25, 2006): A new discussion section is added.


This Greasemonkey script opens all Yahoo Launch music videos in a new window so that they will be playable with MS Windows Media Player or mplayerplug-in in Firefox.
This script is released under GPL.

How to Install
  1. Make sure you have the latest Firefox 1.5.
  2. Install the lastest Greasemonkey extension and restart Firefox.
  3. Open pklaunch-0.0.0.user.js
  4. Install it by clicking on Tools / Install This User Script...
  5. Goto to Yahoo! Music, or Yahoo! Music Worldwide sites:

Note to Mac users: You need to download Windows Media Player for Mac OS X.


Please check here again for new versions, because I'm working on adding other features such as showing the clip title/artist, playlist functionality, showing original ads (to make Yahoo! happy with this script) and many other things.

v0.0.0: Yahoo! disabled wmv playback and replaced it with a Flash player. This means that pkLaunch is not working anymore. The good news is that the flash play now works on all platforms and OSes that support flash. Still Launchcast radios are not working. I released version 0.0.0 which disables video playback and just checks for updates. I try to release a newer version of pkLaunch that supports radios.
Please use the discussion section below to let me know if there is any other feature rather than the radios you want to be added to pkLaunch.

v0.9: A new auto update feature is added. International Yahoo! Music sites are now supported. Test it out at Yahoo! Music: Australia & NZ - Canada - France - Germany - Italy - Spain - UK & Ireland - Spanish.

v0.8.1: Fixed a bug in my script.

v0.8: Fixed getting clip information.

v0.8rc2: Fixed Yahoo session cookie.

v0.8rc1: A more stylish look which also fixes some bugs. You can now select whether you want mediaplayer controls or not and also set the resize option. Setting the resize to ON sometimes make the video go black.

v0.7rc1: Now works in Firefox 1.5 using Greasemonkey 0.6.4.

v0.6rcX: Fixes Yahoo changed URLs

v0.5: Thanks to Brandon Barlow, I added two high quality 768kbps and 512kbps to the bandwidth options. Enjoy these high quality streams on you broadband. I also disabled the clip info bar because of the changes in the new greasemonkey release. I'm still trying to find a work around for that. Some window resizing issue are solved too. (2005-07-31)

v0.4: Now the player shows clip info such as song name, artist and also it catches more video clips. (2005-07-02)
Note: Due to a security vulnerabilty in greasemonkey, the new GM 0.3.5 has disabled some of its functions which means the clip info will be empty with this release. It will soon be fixed when the new GM is relased. (2005-07-19)
v0.3: A more stylish window is now opened with which you can set the bandwidth and also resize the whole window more easily. (2005-06-05)
v0.2: Opens a new window with an embed tag to show player (2005-05-20).
v0.1: Fixed the original broken code.


Here you can ask your questions and leave your comments about pkLaunch.

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[Monday 2025-02-10] [Updated Saturday 2013-11-30]