Pooya Karimian
July 2004
July 31, 2004
Slashdot | CPAN: $677 Million of Perl
Slashdot | Annual Big Brother Award Winners Announced
Slashdot | Remote-controlled Bolts and Screws
What Are You Looking At? (or what your eyes see)
"The NYTimes has a story, with some spooky-cool pictures, about software to extract exactly what image a person is seeing with their eyes, just from the reflection on their cornea"
July 29, 2004
An Introduction to Open-Source Hardware
links to useful sites on open hardware
July 25, 2004
PGtGM: POP3 goes the GMail
Access your GMail accout with your favorite mail client using POP3. (Update 2005-08-17) The link is broken, now the GMail itself is offering POP3 access
Reading GMail as RSS Feed
Gmail as an online backup system
how about using it as your web storage?
The Fedora Legacy Project
"The goal of The Fedora Legacy Project is to work with the Linux community to provide security and critical bug fix errata packages for select End of Life Red Hat Linux and Fedora Core distributions", use it to update your old Redhat 7.3/9 distros.
July 24, 2004
MP3 creator returns with 3D sound | CNET News.com
July 23, 2004
Slashdot | SETI Predicts We'll Find ETs by 2020
"A better way to state this story is that within 20 years, SETI will have the capacity to detect transmissions from across our galaxy, rather than just a small slice of it. Whether or not there's any signal to pick up is another matter entirely"
Slashdot | Microsoft to Deploy SPF for Hotmail Users
Good news, it is now only Yahoo among the three big ones who do not use SPF
Six Log: Plug In To Movable Type 3.0 Developer's Contest Winners
Slashdot | Quantum Computing Using Traditional Transistors
"UCLA is reporting progress on the quantum computing front by announcing success in controlling the spin of a single electron using an ordinary transistor."
Netcraft: Surge in Scans Seeking SSL Servers
Security firms are advising network administrators to install security patches for SSL servers
July 22, 2004
PubSub | a blog,etc. content matching service
BBC NEWS | Robots get bookish in libraries
blogsnow: what blogs link to
July 21, 2004
Google in 1960
from Daily Juan: Links
Gadget Buzz, CNETAsia's hot list of cool toys out there
July 20, 2004
Slashdot | Duke University Giving iPods To 1650 Freshmen
Netcraft: RSS Traffic Burdens Publisher's Servers