Pooya Karimian
July 2005
July 27, 2005
Akihabara News : Robocup2005 photos
Cisco hits back at flaw researcher | CNET News.com
July 26, 2005
NASA Studies Debris Recorded During Launch - Yahoo! News
"I Blog" Stamps!
from evhead
July 25, 2005
Yahoo! Widgets
bamahang.ca: Kiosk - Ordinary Man
underground Iranian alternative band and their released album in US and Canada
July 20, 2005
Coldplay X&Y Album Art Generator
Robostix developed in collaboration with SFU
Here comes: Google Moon - Lunar Landing Sites!!
July 15, 2005
Doctors Watching Hunger-Striking Iranian Journalist: Akbar Ganji
July 12, 2005
ABC News: Man With $6 Million 'Bionic' Arm
July 11, 2005
Slashdot | EU Domain Registries & ICANN
SiliconBeat: Behold, the new Yahoo Mail
July 10, 2005
Tcp traceroute
Tcp traceroute for Windows
JSAN: Javascript's CPAN
July 08, 2005
Fujitsu Triples Micro Fuel Cell Power
Charge up your batteries with 18cc alcohol!
Netcraft: ICANN: VeriSign Can Raise .net Prices in 2007
July 07, 2005
Shift Delete: 1and1 review
But use my 1and1 link. Although Ehsan's review is more about good things but recently I had some problems with 1and1. They mis-calculated my traffic and they're answering my support requests with some vague emails. They did the same thing to others too. Also see my previous report on 1and1's down time in my blog. But in general the price compared to offered features is so low that you hardly can find a better substition. Check their Linux Hosting plans and prices
July 06, 2005
Fujitsu announced HOAP-3 humanoid robot
MAKE AUDIO SHOW: Tiny Linux computers!
And there he mentioned our works in Simon Fraser too
July 04, 2005
Slashdot | Study Finds Value in Email Spam
AOL Music: LIVE 8 Concert Highlights on Demand
Swim goggles to count on | CNET News.com
Netcraft: PHP Blogging Apps Vulnerable to XML-RPC Exploits
July 03, 2005
NASA - Deep Impact hit the comet Tempel 1
Degradable Ajax Form Validation
Critics Laud LIVE 8 Internet Coverage