Pooya Karimian
January 2007
January 28, 2007
Google Tech Talks: Deconstructing The Xbox Security System
January 26, 2007
GoDaddy pulls security site after MySpace complaints | CNET News.com
It's time that I move my domain away from GoDaddy.
January 24, 2007
When Being a Verb is Not Enough: Google wants to be your Internet
January 15, 2007
[video] WowWee robots at CES'2007
Remote control dragon fly, four legged Roboquad and Elvis android.
Pleo is still Alive!
About Pleo the dino toy robot. From Wired Magazine.
January 12, 2007
Building Vista buzz with a puzzle | CNET News.com
An alternate-reality game, with a suborbital flight as the prize.
January 04, 2007
Google turns to automation in its search for talent
Via Battellemedia
January 03, 2007
Bank ATMs converted to steal bank customer IDs
Police Department of university of Texas at Austin advisory on ATM Scam