Pooya Karimian


audio/video problems in Firefox 3? get flash player 10
[Link] http://weblogs.mozillazine.org/asa/archives/2008/10/audio_or...
Youtube stops couple of seconds into playing, Asa Dotzler says upgrade your flash player.

Posted to Computer»Web»Browsers by pooya at 10:59 AM | Comments (0)

John Resig's Processing.js
[Link] http://dev.jquery.com/~john/processing.js/
Just great! Processing visualization language ported to JavaScript using the Canvas element. Make sure you are using a good browser like Firefox 3.0 and watch the demos at the end of the post.

Posted to Computer»Web»Browsers by pooya at 09:44 PM | Comments (0)

Christopher Blizzard's huge list of random Firefox links
[Link] http://www.0xdeadbeef.com/weblog/?p=342
great stuff going on with Mozilla and Firefox

Posted to Computer»Web»Browsers by pooya at 02:45 PM | Comments (0)

Adblock Plus and crashes on Yahoo Mail: Yahoo Application State Plugin
[Link] http://adblockplus.org/en/npYState
If you have problems with Firefox crashing on Yahoo pages with ntdll.dll offest 0x11f6c error, it is because of a faulty Yahoo plugin that is installing with Yahoo Messenger. Just delete the .dll file.

Posted to Computer»Web»Browsers by pooya at 06:20 PM | Comments (1)

Microsoft IE7 raises Google's hackles | CNET News.com
[Link] http://news.com.com/New Microsoft browser raises Googles hac...
Google is worried about the new search box in IE7 defaulting to MSN search. Let see what Google can do, if Microsoft makes its search an eye-candy for normal users, attract more advertisers with more relevant ads and then release IE7 to everyone through auto update.

Posted to Computer»Web»Browsers by pooya at 03:26 PM | Comments (0)

Firefox 4 Kids
[Link] http://dietrich.ganx4.com/blog/?p=227
yeah, even kids use Firefox theseday, are you still using IE?!

Posted to Computer»Web»Browsers by pooya at 01:45 AM | Comments (0)

Firefox and more: awesome firefox video
[Link] http://weblogs.mozillazine.org/asa/archives/2005/12/awesome_...
asking normal people on the street whether they prefer Firefox or Internet Explorer

Posted to Computer»Web»Browsers by pooya at 06:20 PM | Comments (0)

Firefox RC3 Community Testing Day
[Link] http://weblogs.mozillazine.org/qa/archives/2005/11/firefox_r...
Mozilla Quality Blog. Firefox 1.5 is getting ready for a worldwide release this week.

Posted to Computer»Web»Browsers by pooya at 10:45 PM | Comments (0)

extendfirefox.com: Extend Firefox Contest
[Link] http://www.extendfirefox.com
Firefox best extensions contest. prizes include: Alienware Aurora 7500 Firefox Edition PC, Apple iPod Nano, O'Reilly books, Firefox laptop bag, etc.

Posted to Computer»Web»Browsers by pooya at 08:38 PM | Comments (0)
[Saturday 2024-07-27] [Updated Saturday 2013-11-30]