Pooya Karimian
Blog Archive December 2004
Firefox is great! Being on the holidays I tried learning how to write extensions for Firefox and it's so enjoying... Just Get Firefox!, download Extension Developer's Extension, read some tutorials and samples and start writing your own extensions.
I was talking to someone in IRC about why do they (e.g, GMail) still try to write web applications by hacking DHTML/Javascript instead of developing a language for that job and he pointed out that XUL/Javascript/... is around, they can use it.
For the first try I tried writing some code so that I can watch Yahoo's Launch music videos without IE/ActiveX and it is working now, although I don't know about the legal issues of viewing the videos skipping the advertisements. That's why I'm still trying to make the whole Yahoo's web-based player working.
- MozillaZine Knowledge Base - Dev : Extensions
- Ted's Extension Developer's Extension
- XUL Planet
- Launch! Music on Yahoo!