Pooya Karimian


Bushehri Pipe Band

Run into Shanbehzadeh Ensemble through a Farsi weblog [*], I thought I would share it with you. Saeid Shanbehzadeh (Farazoo) plays traditional music of Bushehr, a southern city of Iran. The following four clips are from their 2007 performance in New Zealand:

- Shanbehzadeh Ensemble
- more on youtube
- Farazoo blog

Posted to Life by pooya at 10:29 PM | Comments (1)

Blog Action Day

[Sun and Moon]Today was Blog Action Day. Fifteen thousand blogs wrote about the environment. Lone Sysadmin wrote a thought provoking post in his blog: Paying Billions To Never See The Stars Again. Check it out.

Also this is old news but I just read about it. It is the story of a small-city in Iran where people are so much into star gazing that some nights they even turn off all the city lights. Read it here: Stargazing Bug Seizes the Imagination in Iran.

- Photos: A Town with a Passion for Astronomy

Posted to Life by pooya at 09:25 PM | Comments (0)

A Chinese View of Iran

BBC Chinese on Iran

BBC Chinese reporter's story and photos of Iran:

- Article: Iran Overshadowed by the Bright Spot [Chinese]
- Photos: Street Memories [Chinese]
- Photos: Portraits [Chinese]
- Photos: Cultural History [Chinese]
- Photos: Black and White [Chinese]

Found via My Babbling Brain (In Persian).

Posted to Life by pooya at 12:37 PM | Comments (2)

Email Sunday

[Thunderbird, Firefox, Sunbird, Notepad]Sundays are my email clean-up days. I use Fusemail’s own web-mail for normal daily email checking and every time I read an email that needs further attention, I will leave it as unread. Then in my free time, weekends mostly, I open Thunderbird, Sunbird, Firefox and Notepad. I use Thunderbird to read the mailing list emails in threaded-view and to find the unread mails. I use Sunbird to mark events in my calendar. In Firefox I look at the links and bookmark important ones. And in Notepad I write down the tasks that I should do but there’s no special deadline or something for them to go in calendar. I save that text file on my desktop. This way the number of unread email are dropped from 200-300 to less than 50.

I had lots of emails about pkLaunch (which has now been downloaded 1000+ times), which I was mostly forgetting to reply back. So I made a fancy Ajaxified commenting system that people can use to leave their comments and questions in the pkLaunch discussions. You can try it on a test page here. It still needs more polishing.

Posted to Life by pooya at 02:19 PM | Comments (1)

Done with the fall semester

[Glass Dragon]
Guess what! I'm done with my course. yay! holidays begin... This could be the last course in my life. You can see some of the stuff I did for my course here:

- http://www.sfu.ca/~pkarimia/

Posted to Life by pooya at 06:41 PM | Comments (3)

Random stuff, or my last two weeks

[107 iterations ago]That I'm not writing here every week like before does not necessarily mean that I'm busy, but lazier recently! At least I try to think about my hobby small projects.
After I released pkLaunch v0.5, a Firefox player for Yahoo music clips with support of higher quality feeds than IE, I paused developing that waiting for the new Greasemonkey extension to release. I’m receiving good feedbacks/suggestions from users these days.
CheckMail needs less than a day of putting together scripts in order to have a working version. My goal is to have a friendly interactive mail notification system as a web application. This is one the things that come out of scripts that I use for organizing myself.
Also I tested the first prototype of my map sharing app just to make sure it is possible to do it. It needs a complete rewrite but I’m sure it will be a useful thing. To say it simple, it will be an interactive instant map sharing system where people can browse and label a map together interactively. Isn’t it neat?

You can go check the new photos now.

Posted to Life by pooya at 11:59 PM | Comments (4)

Geek Floss

[Dental Floss]
As one of the geeks suggested sometime ago (I don't remember who he was), I put the dental floss near computer instead of washroom. Try it, it is not as good as snacks near computer, but it works!

Posted to Life by pooya at 12:42 AM | Comments (3)

The Cheerful Cricket

Field Cricket
I was sitting by the computer and the TV was on, as always, that I heard some chrips. I was wondering why they put this as the background sound on that very formal program! After searching for the source of chrips I found a very small cricket in the living room. He is so small that I can't believe he can sing in such a loud voice. I believe the buddy is still crawling around somewhere in the house and I wish at least he lets me sleep when I turn off the lights.

- The cricket's Sound
- Insect Sounds

Posted to Life by pooya at 11:46 PM | Comments (0)
[Wednesday 2025-03-12] [Updated Saturday 2013-11-30]