Pooya Karimian
May 2008
May 18, 2008
Using Magnets To Turn Off the Brain's Speech Center
on slashdot. watch the video.
May 12, 2008
The Connection Has Been Reset: on China’s Great Firewall
May 09, 2008
John Resig's Processing.js
Just great! Processing visualization language ported to JavaScript using the Canvas element. Make sure you are using a good browser like Firefox 3.0 and watch the demos at the end of the post.
May 08, 2008
The Day Is Coming for Google
Is it? I think it is more a question of whether they can release those secret products sooner or just make as much money as they can from the current one and spend it on cakes.
May 07, 2008
Techvibes Blog: Death To “Honest Work”!
about the types of jobs in BC and how they are mostly hardworks with people outside receiving the earnings. the linked article there also has some interesting facts: BC's median wage fell 11% in the same period that Ontario's median grown by 8%.
May 06, 2008
RoboCup 2008 in China cancelled?
The Government of Suzhou, China announced that they can't held Robocup 2008 in July due to the Olympic related issues! There is also an urgent announcement on the robocup website.
May 04, 2008
Data Centers are Bad For You
carbon dioxide emission from data centers