Pooya Karimian

Blog Archives: Evolve: Auto-Parking Car

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Evolve: Auto-Parking Car

[Evolve: Auto-Parking Car]Evolve is a student project in Fluid & Mechanical Engineering Systems at Linköping University, Sweden in collaboration with Volvo Cars. They are using a Linux based system and four ultrasound sensors to help the driver find the suitable space and also auto-parking the car.

- Evolve Project Page
- Slashdot: Linux-Powered Auto-Parking Car

Posted to Research by pooya at July 19, 2004 03:33 PM

Posted by: at March 16, 2008 06:18 AM

Can i put this information to my website in auto car section at http://www.Ebooktops.com/web

[Friday 2024-07-26] [Updated Saturday 2013-11-30]