Pooya Karimian
Blog Archives: Chris de Burgh in Live8
Chris de Burgh was playing with many others yesterday in Live 8 in Berlin. I recorded it from the AOL stream. They say that they will put all of performances online on June 5, but before that you can download it from here:
- Chris de Burgh, Live 8 in Berlin [42MB]
- A smaller low quality version [8.6MB]
Update: All the performances are online now.
- All the Live 8 performances
- Chris de Burgh
Posted to Other by pooya at July 3, 2005 02:33 PM
سلام آقاي پويا اگر اشتباه نكنم شما بايد فرزند آقاي دكتر كريميان دوست قديمي پدرم باشيد دنيا كوچيكه ها هفته پيش من شيراز بودم و حالا از طريق وبلاگ نوشي به اينجا راهنمايي شدم حدس مي زنم كه اشتباه نكردم ...راستي اميدوارم موفق باشيد
im desparate to get chris de burghs berlin live8 from the net,hes the only artist im finding difficult to get..how can i download the 42 mb version? it stalls when i try
regards zack.