Pooya Karimian

Blog Archives: Chris de Burgh in Live8

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Chris de Burgh in Live8
CdeB in Live8

Chris de Burgh was playing with many others yesterday in Live 8 in Berlin. I recorded it from the AOL stream. They say that they will put all of performances online on June 5, but before that you can download it from here:
- Chris de Burgh, Live 8 in Berlin [42MB]
- A smaller low quality version [8.6MB]

Update: All the performances are online now.
- All the Live 8 performances
- Chris de Burgh

Posted to Other by pooya at July 3, 2005 02:33 PM

Posted by: مهستا at July 7, 2005 02:16 AM

سلام آقاي پويا اگر اشتباه نكنم شما بايد فرزند آقاي دكتر كريميان دوست قديمي پدرم باشيد دنيا كوچيكه ها هفته پيش من شيراز بودم و حالا از طريق وبلاگ نوشي به اينجا راهنمايي شدم حدس مي زنم كه اشتباه نكردم ...راستي اميدوارم موفق باشيد

Posted by: علیرضا at July 10, 2005 03:15 AM

وبلاگ خوبی داریدوتبریک میگم

Posted by: zack spaulding at September 21, 2005 06:08 PM

im desparate to get chris de burghs berlin live8 from the net,hes the only artist im finding difficult to get..how can i download the 42 mb version? it stalls when i try
regards zack.

[Tuesday 2024-12-03] [Updated Saturday 2013-11-30]